Spis treści

Create an album

Create a new album is performed using Album Wizard by clicking the icon New album. In five steps (Product selection, Options, Scenario, Photos, Generating album) in a simple way means all the data required for the preparation of the finished album. The wizard enables you to navigate forward and back using the navigation bar located on the top of the window using the Back / Next in the lower right corner of the window.

Product selection

All products are grouped in categories appear as bookmarks. On each tab are visible products of this category. Select the tab and the product and click Next


The choice of options for your album. The first option is always the number of pages linked to the price. This parameter can also be set using the slider in the lower left corner of the window. For albums bound in leather or other material in this step is also the type of material to choose.


The choice of scenario for use in the album. Scenarios include such information as the page layout, backgrounds, frames photo, shadows of objects, the default embedded cliparts, and other data.


Selection of photos for the album. You can skip this step, it will generate the album containing the empty containers which later will be able to manually add photos.

Adding a photo

Photos are added by:

Selected images are marked by .

During the selection of photos, on the lower beam appears an information about fill of album level. Adding too many images prevents the transition to the next step of the wizard. Number of seats in the album can be determined by selecting the right option (see below) and changing the number of pages in the album using the slider in the bottom left corner.

Available are two options to match:

Deleting photos

To delete a photo, select it and press theDelete on the keyboard or from the context menu (accessed by clicking the photo right click) to selectDelete selected. It is possible to select multiple pictures with pressed keys Shift or Ctrl and through dragging the area selected by mouse.

To delete all the selected images, you should choose option in the context menu selectDelete all.

The sequence of photos

Pictures will be embedded in the album according to their order on the list. To change the order of images, drag the selected image with your mouse to another position.

Generating album

In this step, you should re-check that all parameters are correct and then click Generate and select the file name under which you save the generated album.

Album generation time depends on the speed of your computer, the number of pages of the album and the number and size of the selected photos. Progress generation is visualized by a progress bar. After the end of generation, is displayed telling you the message.